Welcome to our FAQ section! Here you'll find answers to the most common questions about our school system, including enrollment procedures, academic programs, extracurricular activities, and policies.

Classpedia is an all-in-one education collaboration system, that enables integrated administration, collaboration, and management of all aspects of running a school on a single platform. It can be used to manage administrative and academic activities such as online admission management, fees, employee payroll, examination, live class, data management, transportation, library, subjects and batches, student attendance, assignments, motivation and rewards, communication, and much more.

Classpedia is a product of a software company having its Education Collaboration System supporting Montessori, Kindergarten, Schools/ Colleges, and University where it is the end of your search for solutions. page.

Classpedia is designed to create a simplified and, distraction-free learning environment that allows you to work collectively with your stakeholders to streamline school operations and promote student learning. It simplifies the process of tracking student behavior, offers one-on-one support to help them keep up with the ongoing lesson, and promotes peer-to-peer interaction. With its 100+ features, it will help you promote successful teaching and learning experiences for your teachers and students and saves plenty of time.

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You don't require any software installation to run Classpedia. It's an entirely cloud-based school management system built to simplify the everyday operations at school.

Yes, according to your institutions needs, Classpedia can be customized.

Yes, Classpedia provides a data backup storage facility. Hassle-free customers can easily retrieve their data.

Keeping the school data safe and secure is the topmost priority of Classpedia. We offer full privacy to school data as per industry standards. The data remain fully encrypted when it has stored in the Classpedia system.

Classpedia offers support in your time of need. We give 24/7 service with regular on-field visits. You can connect with Classpedia experts any time through the call, email, and chat. To help you in every way, Classpedia experts will provide video tutorials, user manuals, and multiple training sessions about software features; training can be arranged over a call or on zoom.

No, you will not be bound to any long-term contract with Classpedia as we charge only on an installment basis for the Academic year. However, once the payment has made, you will not be provided with a refund option.

Yes, there is a GPS tracking feature in Classpedia. It will help your institute to easily track the movement of the bus in real-time.

All the historical data kept at a centralized place, and none of them get deleted. All the relevant users have access to their data, even when the academic year is rolled-over.

The cost of Classpedia cost depends on the package you purchase. For more information, you can contact our sales team or call us at Whatsapp +91-8884666360. There are no hidden fees included.

Yes, you can upgrade your package anytime you would like to. Please contact our team as and when the upgrade is required.

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